Sponsoring Organization
BC Voices, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to gathering and telling the stories of the lives of women who came of age in the late 1960s to early 1970s, an era of profound social, political and cultural change in American society, through the process of collecting their oral histories and creating documentary films.
BC Voices has created The Barnard College Class of 1971 (BC’71) Oral History Collection, a rich archive of the life histories of 79 BC’71 alumnae housed in the Barnard Archives and Special Collections. Using the BC’71 oral histories, BC Voices commissioned two short documentaries that tell the story of the seismic shift in the lives of women of the 1960s generation as they came of age during the turmoil of late 1960s/early 1970s –The Way It Was – and forged new paths for themselves and future generations of women when doors opened for women, but not all the way – Making Choices, Forging Paths.

Katherine Brewster
Executive Producer

Elisabeth Harris

Susan Shapiro Metz
Associate Producer

Joy Montgomery Rocklin
Associate Producer

Ruth M. Louie
Associate Producer

Kathy Galvin
Associate Producer

Cheryl Weiner
Associate Producer

Celia E. Naylor
Humanities Advisory Team

Annelise Orleck
Humanities Advisory Team

Deirdre Cooper Owens
Humanities Advisory Team

Rosalind Rosenberg
Humanities Advisory Team

Vicki Breitbart
Humanities Advisory Team

Dána-Ain Davis
Humanities Advisory Team

Iris López
Humanities Advisory Team

Lina-Maria Murillo
Humanities Advisory Team

Ellen Ross
Humanities Advisory Team

Jennifer Nelson
Humanities Advisory Team

Elena R. Gutierrez
Humanities Advisory Team

Gloria Feldt
Humanities Advisory Team

Joyce Antler
Humanities Advisory Team

Sascha Cohen
Humanities Advisory Team

Ruth Reichard
Humanities Advisory Team

Katherine Brewster, MBA, Executive Producer
Katherine Brewster, President of BC Voices and Executive Producer of Stand UP, Speak OUT, is an entrepreneur, and manages a practice in somatic healing and wellness. She has more than 50 years of experience in sales, marketing, business management, and fundraising for non-profit artistic enterprises. She is a 1971 alumna of Barnard College and earned an MBA at Columbia Business School in 1978.

Elisabeth Harris, Producer
Elisabeth Harris has worked as a producer for more than 20 years on projects for CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, Travel Channel, History Channel, Animal Planet, Discovery and other outlets. She spent seven years at CBS News on long-form documentary specials and breaking news, and directed the hit PBS show “History Detectives” for two seasons. Her subjects have ranged from a documentary on Paul McCartney and his band Wings to a short film about a hermit in Maine. Since 2015 she has been the Supervising Producer of the longest-running history show on cable TV, “Mysteries At The Museum,” on The Travel Channel. Elisabeth holds a BA in Women’s Studies and an MFA in Film and Television Writing & Production.
Associate Producers
Susan Shapiro Metz, Barnard 1971, M. Ed., is retired after 25 years in human services regulation and database training for the State of New Jersey. Her volunteer experience includes 20 years of marketing and grant writing for nonprofit choral music organizations, including Monmouth Civic Chorus, Princeton Pro Musica, and New Jersey Choral Consortium.
Joy Montgomery Rocklin, Barnard 1971, MBA, CPA, is retired after 40 years of financial services, marketing, strategic planning, promotional products, management consulting, and information systems executive positions. She currently volunteers with Ballet West and not-for-profit community organizations.
Ruth M. Louie, Barnard 1971, retired from her position as CEO of a nonprofit loan fund in 2015. As a Standards for Excellence® Licensed Consultant, she assists nonprofit organizations in organizational development and management. She turned her 40-year passion for international travel into a business, Joy of Travel, offering custom vacation-planning services for groups and independent travelers.
Rabbi Cheryl Weiner, Barnard 1971, PhD, is a community rabbi and board-certified hospice chaplain and bereavement specialist. With the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, she directs volunteer programs on visiting elders and training people to facilitate end-of-life conversations. In a former life, she was a founding leader in the educational computing and training field. As a Vice President for McGraw Hill Interactive and Executive Producer for Activision, she developed award-winning educational computer programs and games. Throughout her life, she has been a social justice advocate. As a 1971 graduate of Barnard College, she is honored to be part of the BC Voices team.
Kathy Galvin, Barnard 1971, JD, MPA, represented tenants, women, and non-profits in public interest practice and legal services in Massachusetts. In the San Francisco Bay area, she wrote and edited law books for non-lawyers, taught Media Law, and practiced law at an asbestos plaintiff firm. She worked as a program officer for the Rockefeller Family Fund, and spent 25 years at the San Francisco Asylum Office where she supervised and trained asylum adjudicators, authorized their asylum decisions, and assisted the Refugee Corps in adjudicating refugee petitions in Jordan and Turkey.
Humanities Advisory Team
Celia E. Naylor, PhD, is Professor of History and Africana Studies at Barnard College. She currently teaches lecture courses on African-American History, with seminars on the history of women of African descent in the U.S. and the Caribbean. She advises on issues related to African-American women’s experiences and women’s rights in U.S. history.
Annelise Orleck, PhD, is Professor of History at Dartmouth College and the author of five books on the history of US women, politics, immigration, and activism, including Storming Caesar’s Palace: How Black Mothers Fought Their Own War on Poverty. She currently teaches a senior seminar on Race, Ethnicity and Immigration in American History. She advises on race and class issues in American women’s history.
Deirdre Cooper Owens, PhD, is Associate Professor of History and faculty member of the Africana Studies Institute at the University of Connecticut at Storrs. She is also an Organization of American Historians’ (OAH) Distinguished Lecturer. Her first book, Medical Bondage: Race, Gender and the Origins of American Gynecology (UGA Press, 2017) won the 2018 Darlene Clark Hine Book Award from the OAH as the best book written in African American women’s and gender history. She will advise on reproductive justice.
Rosalind Rosenberg, PhD, is Professor Emerita of History at Barnard College. Specialist in American history with a focus on women’s, social, and legal history. Author of Jane Crow: The Life of Pauli Murray. She advises on the historical background of various women’s rights and roles of key women in the suffrage movement.
Vicki Breitbart, MSW, EdD, has taught at Columbia University, NYU and CUNY on public health, and was director of the graduate Health Advocacy Program at Sarah Lawrence College. Her publications include books on education and parenting, and peer-reviewed articles on reproductive health and intimate partner violence. She has produced and directed documentaries on health care and non-sexist education, and served on boards of national reproductive justice organizations. She advises on issues of activism and reproductive justice.

Photo credit: Alex Irklievski
Iris López, PhD, is a cultural anthropologist and Professor at The City College of New York/CUNY, where she is the director of the Latin American & Latina Studies Program. An international expert on sterilization among poor women of color, she conducted a 25-year intergenerational ethnographic study on Puerto Rican women in Brooklyn, published in the book, Matters of Choice: Puerto Rican Women’s Struggle for Reproductive Freedom (Rutgers University Press 2008). Dr. López co-authored the book, Telling to Live: Latina Feminist Testimonios (Durham: Duke University Press 2001), which won the Outstanding Book Award from the Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Bigotry and Human Rights at Simmons College. She advises on reproductive justice.
Ellen Ross, PhD, Professor Emerita of History and Women’s Studies at Ramapo College, co-chaired the women’s studies program and taught courses in Women’s Studies and in British and European history. She was formerly a member of New York City Committee for Abortion Rights and against Sterilization Abuse. She will advise on issues related to women’s rights in American history.
Jennifer Nelson, PhD, is a United States historian with an emphasis in women’s history. She teaches in the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program at the University of Redlands. Her dissertation became her first book, Women of Color and the Reproductive Rights Movement (NYU Press 2003). Her second book, More Than Medicine: A History of the Women’s Health Movement (NYU Press 2016), extended her research on the feminist and women’s health movements in the United States. She also co-edited with Barbara Molony a volume on transnational feminism, Women’s Activism and “Second Wave” Feminism: Transnational Histories. She advises on reproductive justice.
Lina-Maria Murillo, PhD, is Assistant Professor in the departments of Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies and History at the University of Iowa. She is completing her first book, Fighting for Control: Reproductive Care, Race, and Power in the U.S-Mexico Borderlands, and received a 2021-2022 Humanities Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies to support this endeavor. Her writing has appeared in the Washington Post, Rewire News, and Notches. Murillo is also co-director of the Maternal Health and Reproductive Justice Obermann collaborative with her colleague Natalie Fixmer-Oraiz at the University of Iowa. She advises on reproductive justice.
Elena R. Gutierrez, PhD, is Associate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies and Latino Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is the author of Fertile Matters: The Politics of Mexican-Origin Women’s Reproduction (University Of Texas Press, 2008) and co-author of Undivided Rights: Women of Color Organize for Reproductive Justice (Haymarket Books, 2016). She has served as a consultant and on the boards of multiple reproductive health and justice organizations across the nation. She advises on reproductive justice.

Joyce Antler is the Samuel Lane Professor of American Jewish History and Culture and Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies Emerita at Brandeis University, where she taught courses on American Love and Marriage for many years. She is the author of The Journey Home: How Jewish Women Shaped Modern America; Talking Back: Jewish Women in American Popular Culture; America and I: Short Stories by American Jewish Women Writers; You Never Call! You Never Write! A History of the Jewish Mother; and Jewish Radical Feminism: Voices of the Women’s Liberation Movement. She also co-wrote the prize-winning documentary drama, Year One of the Empire.