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What People Are Saying

young protestors the future is female
Stand UP, Speak OUT: The Personal Politics of Women’s Rights is extremely important especially for today. When we thought the struggles for women were over, they are not. It’s vitally important for young women today to understand the past in order to confront the future.

Carol V.

I so appreciated the racial and ethnic diversity, along with women from differing age groups. The fact that you had women from a variety of professions was also a plus. I think that it was interesting that each of the four women echoed a resounding theme — the ability to make a choice! Although these were four different women coming from varied ethnic, racial and geographic backgrounds, what you heard in their discussions about reproductive rights was the same thing, “they wanted CHOICE.”

Elva T.

Voters Rights
I can definitely imagine schools, in particular, using these resources to educate young people about our history and current challenges. And, the more that adult women and men see these stories and histories, the more they will be re-enrolled in actively supporting the advancement of women’s rights and gifts for the well-being of our entire society, and the world. Bravo!!!!

Christopher T.